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Is an exposed aggregate concrete driveway more expensive than a standard concrete driveway?

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Question: Is an exposed aggregate concrete driveway more expensive than a standard concrete driveway?
Top Answer (89% of 59 votes): Yes.

Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes, an exposed aggregate concrete driveway is generally more expensive than a standard concrete driveway. The higher cost is due to several factors: 1. Materials Exposed aggregate involves the use of special decorative aggregates, which can be more expensive than the materials used in standard concrete. 2. Labor: The installation process for exposed aggregate is more labor-intensive. It requires additional steps, such as washing away the top layer of cement paste to reveal the aggregates and often more careful handling to achieve the desired appearance. 3. Finishing: Achieving a consistent and attractive exposed aggregate finish requires skilled workmanship, adding to the overall cost. 4. Sealing: Exposed aggregate driveways often need to be sealed to protect the surface and enhance the appearance, adding to the maintenance cost. Cost Comparison: Standard Concrete Driveway: Typically ranges from $4 to $8 per square foot, depending on the location, quality of materials, and local labor rates. Exposed Aggregate Driveway: Can range from $8 to $15 per square foot or more, reflecting the additional materials, labor, and finishing processes involved. While more expensive, an exposed aggregate driveway offers enhanced aesthetic appeal and can be more slip-resistant, making it a popular choice for homeowners looking to improve the curb appeal and functionality of their driveways.
Midtex Services
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Exposed aggregated is slightly more than standard it is running 2-3 dollars more and sqft..
Infinity Custom Concrete & Construction
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Exposed aggregate is more expensive because there are so many extra steps and cost to do it.
Solid Solutions Concrete LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: It is considered to be like stamped concrete, because there are more steps involved than a regular driveway
D&L Concrete LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Its more work
Answer: Yes
Explanation: ho yes you need to really know that you are doing when is a exposed aggregate concrete
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Its mix is batched with decorative stone because of its exposure and the process and additional work required to establish the finish.
BAT Concrete llc
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes, there are different materials and labor involved.
Answer: Yes
Explanation: A standard poured driveway with no colorings, stains or aggregates can be as low as $4 per square foot in some cases. However, adding in an aggregate and then going through the effort of exposing it can add a substantial amount to that cost. While some DIY-savvy homeowners might feel capable of pouring a standard concrete driveway on their own, exposing the aggregate is a much tougher process that will almost certainly necessitate professional assistance. After the concrete is poured, the aggregate exposed and the driveway has been cured, it will need to be sealed in order to bring out its shine. Then, every three to five years the driveway will need another seal in order to look its best and be protected against extremely hot or cold temperatures.
Colorado Concrete
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes, more labor intensive to pull aggregate to the surface.
BellPro Construction LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes but not my much it takes more work.
A to Z Fence and Concrete
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Extra steps involved
Answer: Yes
Explanation: The mix design is more costly. The retarded that will be needed. And sealer. Also there is more steps and if is more labor intensified
h and h company
Answer: Yes
Explanation: But just by a little bit.
Southern Quality Concrete
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