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When is the best time of year to reseal an asphalt driveway?

Late spring or early summer
Late summer or early fall
Late fall or early winter
Late winter or early spring
Not sure
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Question: When is the best time of year to reseal an asphalt driveway?
Top Answer (65% of 63 votes): Late spring or early summer.

Answer: Late winter or early spring
Explanation: The weather here in Texas allows us with the best temps for Sealer … If too hot , Sealer will bleed and track ….. If too cold , Sealer will not bond as much due to surface temps being to cold …
Cross Roads Paving LLc
Answer: Late spring or early summer
Explanation: Not recommend to do it in the winter
Denton's sealcoating
Answer: Late spring or early summer
Explanation: Any time between mid April too mid October
Serviceworks unlimited
Answer: Late spring or early summer
Explanation: Sealcoating can be done all year Look up depending on the material that is used.
A & J's Sealcoating
Answer: Late spring or early summer
Explanation: as long as it is 50 degrees or more thru night it can be sealed but late fall areas in the shade can take days to dry.ego north side of building or in areas with tree shade
Dumor Construction Inc
Answer: Late spring or early summer
Explanation: Because of temperature it allows material to cure quicker
United asphalt and construction
Answer: Late spring or early summer
Explanation: Hot weather is allways good for sealer makes sure there is proper ahesion
Roadrunner asphalt
Answer: Late spring or early summer
Explanation: Temps are ideal
Prestigious Asphalt & Concrete llc
Answer: Late spring or early summer
Explanation: Is best to seal your driveway after winter has come and gone to fix any damage freeze and thaw cycle has caused
Cincy Sealcoating Plus
Answer: Late spring or early summer
Explanation: You want to reseal asphalt during the warmer months of the year.
Texas Precision Paving, LLC
Answer: Late spring or early summer
Explanation: Nice long warm days but not real hot can cause it to cracking later.
Saul Reyes Contracting.
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: in spring the best time is fall the reason for this less rain in the fall
Answer: Late spring or early summer
Explanation: Warm temperatures allows the seal coat to bond.
Domson's Parking Lot Maintenance
Answer: Late spring or early summer
Explanation: Early. Spring. U. Can. See all. The damages that. Winter did. And. U. Can. Address them. So u. Can keep moisture. Out during. The year
Answer: Late spring or early summer
Explanation: Sealer is best applied in warmer temps , sometimes with 80+ temps might need to have more curing time for tracking .
Corrigan Paving
Answer: Late spring or early summer
Explanation: It needs to be dry and hot outside for it to properly adhere to asphault
woodpecker construction
Answer: Late spring or early summer
Explanation: Best weather and temps
Mullins Asphalt Paving
Answer: Late spring or early summer
Explanation: Sealing can be done as long as the temp is right
savannah paving & sealing
Answer: Late spring or early summer
Explanation: If you seal it in the spring once temperatures have warmed things up, then you will get a full summer to enjoy the nice looking driveway before the next winter where most of the damage to it happens.
United Paving Company
Answer: Late spring or early summer
Explanation: The label has warnings with regard to minimum and maximum temperature when to apply
Answer: Late summer or early fall
Explanation: This is a preference.
Mr blacktop
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