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Cost of Concrete Paver Driveway Installation
By ProMatcher Staff
Concrete Paver Driveway Installation Cost
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The cost of concrete paver driveway installation will increase or decrease based upon a number of factors. This article is intended to provide you a checklist of questions to ask yourself and your contractor. This key will serve as your guide: $0 = no additional cost, $ = standard cost, and $$ = increased cost.
How big does the driveway need to be?
$ - Single car driveway
$$ - Two car driveway or larger
What type of paver do I want?
$ - Standard, rectangular interlocking paver
$$ - Odd shaped or specially colored pavers
What type of driveway do I need?
$ - When driveway will be straight and flat
$$ - When driveway will have curves or be sloped
What kind of base is required for the driveway?
$ - When there is already a base in place
$$ - When a base of gravel and/or sand must be laid before the pavers are installed
Where will the new driveway be installed?
$0- When the pavers can laid over an existing driveway.
$$ - When an existing driveway must be torn out before the pavers are laid.
$$ - When there is no existing driveway but the surface needs to be graded
How will the pavers be laid?
$ - Standard pattern
$$ - Intricate pattern/design or any special inlay
Do the pavers need to be delivered?
$0 - When homeowner purchases and transports the pavers to the home
$$ - When the pavers are ordered and delivered to the home
What type of preparation is needed before the pavers are laid?
$$ - When weed removal is required
$$ - When a landscape fabric is laid under the pavers
Does the driveway need to be sealed?
$0 - When the pavers are not sealed
$$ - When the concrete pavers are sealed to prevent color fade and slow the aging process
Ask the Pro:
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1. How long do you expect the installation of the driveway to take?
2. Are you and your crew insured?
3. Do you have any references that I could contact?
4. Is there a manufacturer’s warranty on the product?
5. Is there a warranty on the workmanship?
6. Will extra pavers be given to me in order to make future repairs?
7. Is cleanup included in the cost estimate?
8. What type of paver do you recommend?
9. Does the existing driveway need to be torn out prior to installation?
10. Does the project require any grading or excavation?
11. How long can I expect the driveway to last?
Up Next:
Types of Paver Driveways
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About the Author
ProMatcher Staff
, ProMatcher
Orlando, FL 32803
If you would like to re-print this article, please contact the author.
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Cost of Brick or Concrete Paver Installation per square foot (concrete pavers)
Average Cost
High $12.51
Low $9.70
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Cost of Brick or Concrete Paver Installation per square foot (brick pavers)
Average Cost
High $14.83
Low $8.75
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